payment methods

  • Transfer before the goods are dispatched Prepayment = advance transfer to my account. After the payment has been received, the order will be processed further. or choose: BLITZKAUF:: Use instead of PAYPAL but rather the flash purchase and transfer the money. Please send me a proof of payment/info by e-mail and save 2%. - This does not make the giant even richer and us less transparent 😉 . Your order will then be processed immediately. Enter the voucher code: BLITZKAUF: in the top right corner.

  • If you do not have a Paypal account, you can still pay by credit card.

  • As a regular customer you now can pay by "purchase on account".

  • Send the money by letter to: Neue Lebensqualität Lager DE Hauptstr. 1 23619 Badendorf Germany. As soon as the money is received, the order will be processed. I will put the change in the package.

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