Transfer problem to Wise? – Don’t let anyone sell you a foreign transfer, because the transfer is just as free of charge as at home!
Mosquito and tick protection up to date again
CDL / CDH /CDS with new doser system
A Wise transfer is very simple, just like in the country.
Now the time has come and finally they are back, the Tachyon pendants and also the Tachyon Tachyon anti-radiation stickers and can be regardstorben
A lot has changed.
My topics this time are: logging in, emails, spam and inflation.
Information about the earth frequency generator from Hessel Hoornveld. astonishing.
Welcome to HereI offer you interesting substances in different variants, alternative substances -. Chlorine dioxide/ Typ MMS/ CDH3000/CDL – DMSO – MKB Vital – DMKB – Collolidal siber with gold – minerals, such as Bentonite, Baking soda, Himalayan Salt, Xylit Birkenzucker – enteric-coated empty capsules – bottles, Closure, Sprayer bottles, Doser-System – Tachyon products […]
Sofortüberweisung points out that the logins to banks have changed after a new law in the EU. The banks must then add an additional authentication step, the so-called second factor, to the login to your online banking. This means that, in addition to your previous password, you must authenticate yourself with your bank in another […]
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News (Newletter) 01-2024 – the new doser system 6 ml – with durable syringe – revolution for measuring
Do you have a problem registering or ordering? For example, do you not receive an e-mail if you want to register in the shop? Do you also not receive an email with an order confirmation or if you have written to me? If so, this may be due to censorship, e.g. by google. This company […]
The CDL3000 has a high level of sun protection. This high-purity chlorine dioxide solution keeps for a particularly long time in the frequency-protecting Miron glass bottle. It is made entirely without acid and is therefore more neutral. So it’s a real tip. The valuable Miron glass bottle should not be thrown away, but should be […]
PayPal currently offers merchants installment payment for their customers. And that too with gender “:”innen 🤮 . Here again we have the diabolical seduction of convenience… They write that I offer PayPal (I actually don’t like that either, as you know. But some stubbornly cling to the old rip-off system. And that’s despite the fact […]
Dear customers, currently there are price increases again. This time in the shipping area by DHL. Of course, the awakened know that this is 1. is the depreciation of the money and it is 2. is home-made in order to damage the German economy, as has already been increasingly observed in the last 2 years. […]
My Wise Bank in Belgium is really fast. I just had a transfer to a DE account from there. Within 8 seconds, the money from me had arrived there on the DE account. That’s really fast. If I still remember the Fidor Bank, how long it took for money to arrive there. Sometimes days. Because […]