Category Archives: Uncategorized

Seduction by paying in installments – someone pays the bill

PayPal currently offers merchants installment payment for their customers. And that too with gender “:”innen 🤮. Here we have again the diabolical seduction of convenience… They write that I offer PayPal (I don’t really like that either, as you know. But some stubbornly cling to the old rip-off system. And that’s despite the fact that […]

New bank details – old ones are no longer applicable!

New bank details – old ones are no longer applicable! As previously announced, I moved from the insolvent Fidor Bank to Wise in Belgium.That’s why I’m not going to use Fidor Bank for transfers anymore, because I may no longer be able to assign payments if I don’t know about them or if they come […]

Filter set 10 inch for 7-star system available again!

Many customers have already been waiting for the 10 inch filter set for the 7-star reverse osmosis system. Now the set, consisting of 5 filters, is back in stock. Better stock up now. Who knows what will happen next. And don’t forget: Order the Energy+ energizing cartridge at the same time. best regards torben

Comusav and Chlordioxid

Comusav and Chlordioxid I found an interesting page on the use of chlorine dioxide on According to its own information, COMUSAV is a non-profit organization consisting of physicians, scientists, health professionals from various disciplines, as well as other people interested and open-minded about health. Maybe an interesting read