Mironglas wide neck bottle 1 litre
This Miron glass wide mouth bottle 1 liter volume, can also be used to prepare a chlorine dioxide solution (CDL) according to the so-called cucumber jar method. This is a premium variant that takes into account that light plays a destructive, reducing role in the production of chlorine dioxide solutions. In the Miron glass, the solution is protected from light in the best possible way during the activation and transfer of the chlorine dioxide gas.
This is your particular advantage when using this Mironglas wide neck bottle. It has a capacity of 1 litre.
The small transparent bottle (100 ml) is supplied as the inner vessel.
The high-quality Miron glass protects all substances and goods that disintegrate faster or no longer remain fresh when light falls. The storage of herbs, creams.
Mironglas wide neck bottle 1 litre for longer durability
This 1 litre pharmacist’s bottle is a unique and luxurious MIRON violet glass bottle. It has been specially developed and acts as a filter that blocks harmful light rays. The protection of the glass ensures that the taste, smell, colour, bioenergy and the corresponding product properties are maintained for longer,
Tests have shown that products stored in such Miron violet glass bottles can retain their unique properties for a longer period, sometimes even years.
Chlorine dioxide solution according to the cucumber jar method
Chlorine dioxide solutions (CDS) are also sensitive to light, not only during activation. Therefore, this Miron glass is particularly suitable for a protective Activation as well as for storage.
A weak point in the so-called “cucumber glass method” for the production of a chlorine dioxide solution was the rubber seal, which can be attacked by chlorine dioxide.
This bottle on the other hand, is equipped with a cut glass stopper. This has no organic material which could be attacked.
The bottle is almost absolutely gas-tight. Overpressure cannot occur during activation with hydrochloric acid. Iflactic acid 21 % is used for activation, a small vapor pressure is generated.
A smaller bottle is included as an accessory, in which you can activate the sodium chlorite with the hydrochloric acid and then place it immediately in the miron glass.
Activation according to the cucumber jar method deluxe
This wide-necked bottle made oflight and frequency-protecting miron glass should first be filled with 700 ml of demineralized water. The water from such a reverse osmosis plantis best suited for this purpose.
After that 30 ml Sodium chlorite solution 25%and then give 70 ml Hydrochloric acid 4% in the small bottle. You can also order both together as a chlorine dioxide set. For measuring I recommend 2 such Measuring cup 100 ml.
2 pieces for the reason that the two substances are not already activated in the measuring cup. In addition, you can dose more accurately in a measuring cup if you fill the liquid with each Syringe measures.
As long as the sodium chlorite and the hydrochloric acid are filled into the small vial, this is immediately placed into the larger wide-necked bottle. Do NOT close the small bottle with sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid, as this is supposed to outgas in the larger white bottle.
By filling the small bottle, it also remains at the bottom of the wide-neck bottle. You can easily put the small bottle into the wide-necked bottle by hand or even grill tongs.
Now immediately place the glass stopper on the wide-neck mironglass bottle and use it to close the wide-neck bottle. After waiting 24 hours at room temperature, the chlorine dioxide gas in the closed bottle passes into the osmosis water inside. Due to a higher acid content, the gas passes over more quickly. Water permanently absorbs only a maximum of 3000 ppm of chlorine dioxide.
After this process, put the two bottles, as they are inside each other, in the refrigerator. Then the mixture can cool to below 9 degrees Celsius for about 6 hours. Then the chlorine dioxide gas is dissolved in the water in the best possible way and less quickly outgases into the air. Chlorine dioxide gas liquefies to a large extent at this temperature and can therefore be decanted without loss.
Further processing of the chlorine dioxide solution according to the cucumber jar method
Now the cold solution can be unfilled. To do this, open the Mironglas wide-neck bottle, remove the small bottle and close it again. Now the solution can be used, or refilled. For decanting, I recommend thefunnel 6 mm. This fits in all DIN18 dropper bottles and also in the larger amber glass bottles PP28. After decanting, close the bottles immediately.
For decanting, I recommend the mironglass bottles with dropper linked below. The mironglass bottle DIN18 in 100 ml is also available with a dosing system, with which you can subsequently dose the chlorine dioxide solution with largely without the loss of the valuable chlorine dioxide gas can take from it. And that even if the solution is not cooled!
Here you will find the recommended Mironglasbottles
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