VAT reduction
According to the government, the reduction of the value added tax should stimulate consumption. This can be doubted. Consumption could be really boosted immediately if the ridiculous and no longer justifiable “mask duty” and likewise all other restrictions on fundamental rights were to be stopped immediately. But instead only this half-hearted action.
But of course you should still benefit from this campaign.
Since the cost of changing the price of the entire assortment is disproportionate to the real benefit to you as a customer, you can receive the discount as follows
For reduction use the voucher code at the checkout: “Mwst.“.
The voucher is valid from 01.07.2020 to 31.12.2020 and can be used during this period for any further purchase. It can also be combined with other vouchers. This means that it can be redeemed in addition to other vouchers.
If you don’t redeem the voucher, you continue to pay the price that was valid before and relieve me a little tax.
I wish you health and above all freedom
Torben Beuthien
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