Prices stable despite corona Despite the impulses from the “Corona crisis” I keep the prices stable for you. Unfortunately, some of my suppliers have raised their prices drastically. I do not think such an approach is fair and have therefore not yet passed the price increases on to you as my customers. I hope that […]
Category Archives: NLQ24 – Blog
NLQ24 – Blog
Tips for the new time Here I give tips for the current Corona situation. This page continues to be updated. So i’d like to look back and on…. Making your leisure time meaningful Many people are now alone with themselves or a small circle. Tensions can arise and the problems that always affect us can […]
New drippers for DIN18 New dropper closures for DIN18 bottles now provide a better drip experience. The drops come out more easily with the new closures than with the previously used closures. Feedback from a customer provided this innovation. So thank you for any feedback on the items I offer. Kind regards Torben Beuthien.
Chlorine dioxide and Corona virus.
Colloidal silver special now also available in 1000 ml
CDH3000 Long (CDL) now also available in 250 ml
Sofortüberweisung points out that the logins to banks have changed after a new law in the EU. The banks must then add an additional authentication step, the so-called second factor, to the login to your online banking. This means that, in addition to your previous password, you must authenticate yourself with your bank in another […]
Here you will find the price list / product overview. Many a customer asks me what I have in the assortment and whether there is an overall overview. If you are also interested in this, you can download the price list below download. best regards Torben Beuthien
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