Crisis preparedness
The price list for buying in crisis can be found here . Please print them out. Then you can also order without internet if necessary. At the end of the text you will find further information.
Redirected from Telegram: The “WEF” warns the world of an impending “cyber pandemic”. In a cyberattack simulation, the emergency is rehearsed. The event is a bit reminiscent of Event 201, just before the outbreak of the corona pandemic. This was reported by the Epoche Times:
The World Economic Forum (WEF), together with the Russian government, major banks and tech companies, has launched a project called Cyber Polygon. This is a high-profile cyberattack simulation aimed at the financial industry. The event will be advertised on the website “cyberpolygon”.
Cyber Polygon took place for the first time in July 2020 and is scheduled again this summer. Officially described as “international online training to increase global cyber resilience,” Cyber Polygon 2020 involved many of the world’s largest tech companies and international agencies, from IBM to Interpol.
The event website states that the cyberattack simulation will take place on July 9, 2021. The goal is to instruct participants in “developing secure ecosystems” by simulating a cyber attack on the supply chain, similar to the recent SolarWinds hack. The organizers are the WEF under Klaus Schwab, the Kremlin-controlled Russian Sberbank and its cybersecurity subsidiary BI. zone. 120 organizations from 29 countries will participate in the simulation.
On the website, the simulation, called Cyber Polygon 2021, ominously warns that given the digitization trends driven primarily by the COVID-19 crisis, “a single vulnerable link is enough to bring down the entire system, just like the domino effect.” It also states that “a safe approach to digital development today will determine the future of humanity for decades to come.”
The Cyber Polygon project was founded at a time when the World Economic Forum was pushing for the “Great Reset”. The WEF meeting traditionally takes place once a year in Davos, Switzerland. There, the richest people in the world and the political decision-makers discuss the global changes. For two years now, the “Great Reset” has been at the top of the WEF’s agenda and, at the latest since the outbreak of the corona pandemic, has also been discussed by the general public and celebrated as a saviour. WEF boss Klaus Schwab is the mastermind behind the “Big Start”.
Reset and Stakeholder
Capitalism The “Great Reset” is intended to include the coordinated transition to a global economy of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0. The fourth industrial revolution can be summed up in one word: digitalization. Many areas of life are to be digitized and the economic system changed. This system will then either work with or be led by central banks and is an important part of the “Great Reset”. The WEF already has a model for this new economic system: stakeholder capitalism.
Klaus Schwab has been dealing with stakeholder capitalism for decades. He describes it as “a form of capitalism in which companies not only optimize short-term profits for shareholders, but seek long-term value creation by taking into account the needs of all their stakeholders and society as a whole.”
Schwab claims that shareholder capitalism should be abolished because it does not take into account stakeholders – i.e. stakeholders such as customers, employees, etc. NZZ business journalist Gerhard Schwarz contradicts this argument. He writes: “First, shareholder value does not refer to profit, certainly not to distributed profit.” Friedman’s 1970 essay in The New York Times Magazine was titled “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits,” but he and economists such as Michael Jensen, who further developed his theses, saw increasing the value of the company as the basis for the company’s continued existence. Secondly, this increase is impossible if the interests of stakeholders, customers, employees, suppliers, local communities, big politics and the environment are disregarded.” Schwab himself says, Schwarz continues, that it is in the self-interest of long-term oriented companies to assume social responsibility. And it is precisely for this reason that shareholder-oriented managers would take due account of the interests of the many stakeholders. Schwab would also point out that many of capitalism’s problems have to do with too short-term thinking. It is the hunt for the quick money that makes you lose sight of the whole thing and the long term. Schwarz counters: “If the market economy needs something, it is incentives for the long-term orientation of managers. On the other hand, advocaking for stakeholders is aimed at empowering managers in disguise to weigh up and weight the various forces acting on a company at their own discretion. The result is not a better capitalism, but rather a more pronounced “managerism” (Manfred Höfle).”
In short, this means that the entrepreneurs and shareholders are portrayed by Schwab as greedy for profit, although the turnover of a company is often invested in employees, such as more salary, or in the improvement of the product. With Schwab’s approach of stakeholder capitalism, however, only the managers who get more power over where the money goes are favored. The entrepreneur, on the other hand, is left out. However, the managers bear no responsibility for the entire company. Conversely, this means that there may be a lack of money for innovations and instead spent on social goals.
Using crises
Crises are well suited to replace the “old system” and install one – radically new ones. Klaus Schwab also emphasized this. He describes the corona pandemic as “a rare opportunity to lay new foundations for our economic and social system.” An economic collapse allows for a “reset” of the system. In recent years, such disasters have been preceded by simulations. Like the event 201. The pandemic simulation was held just before the coronavirus outbreak. Hosted by the World Economic Forum in October 2019, Event 2019 simulated a novel coronavirus pandemic spreading globally, causing major disruptions in the global economy – just weeks before the first case of COVID-19 occurred. Cyber Polygon 2021 is the latest such simulation, co-funded by the World Economic Forum, and worth further observation.
Russia involved!?
As mentioned above, the Cyber Polygon project was held for the first time in the summer of 2020. The event was attended by 20 high-profile speakers, including former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
One of the speeches warned of a coming “pandemic” of cyberattacks that would mainly affect two sectors of the economy, healthcare and finance. There were also speakers who would not have been expected, such as Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. He even gave the opening speech. In general, it is surprising that Russia, which is constantly accused of cyber attacks on Western governments, was the main organizer of the simulation in 2020, and will be again in 2021. (oz)
This is what the Expresszeitung said some time ago:
Was cyber polygon 2020 something like Event201, for a global “cyber pandemic”?
Compared to a major cyber attack, the Covid-19 crisis would be seen as a small disruption in retrospect!
- Klaus Schwab (WorldEconomicForum – Founder)
Cyber Polygon was held shortly after the WEF unveiled its Great Reset – a totalitarian program to reshape all of humanity that aims, among other things, to ushour a digital age in which man and machine are increasingly fused together.
We can expect to see a global cyber attack in the coming weeks and months! It would be a total blackout and there would be serious system failures!♟️
Thank you ExpressZeitung for this great work! Please support the work of this journal!
There is also a video about it. See source.
👉 Cyber Polygon 2020 – ExpressZeitung (
Worried about cyber attacks?
There is the announcement of a “simulation game”, the Cyber Polygon, according to which cyber attacks could paralyze the infrastructure and possibly bring supply chains to a standstill. To what extent, or whether this is actually happening, I cannot say. I have listed more about this topic HERE from the information sent to me. Now only a simulation game is reported. In addition, one should know that “Corona” was also a simulation game scenarios, which was “played through” in “Event 201”. And what we have actually experienced from 2020 is well known. The event 9/11 is also said to have been a “simulation game”. By the way, Cyberpolygon is scheduled to start on 09.07.21. There is a lot to read on the Internet.
Should the Internet or parts of it actually fail, there could be considerable problems and a crisis precaution would certainly have made sense. Therefore, stockpiling just in case may be a good idea. I don’t want to spread panic here, but warnings about precaution continue to accompany us.
In order to make provisions in the event of a blackout and to be able to continue supplying my customers if necessary, I have made some considerations. Since the scope is not foreseeable, it is difficult to predict whether or what will happen.
Therefore, I have thought through some possible scenarios.
If the Internet or parts of it fail, the telephone order may also work in addition to the order via PC. This is because many phones today no longer work via telephone cable, but via the Internet. Depending on the intensity, it may still be possible to order or communicate via mobile phone? Who knows?
Otherwise, only classic ordering by letterremains. And for this you have to have already procured stamps of paper and envelopes. According to DHL, the transport of letters and parcels, regardless of the Internet, should continue to be possible. Let us hope that this is also true in the event of a case. The money can then also be sent by letter, as the banks will then no longer work. This payment method: Cash payment in advance by letter, is already available in my shop. Whether my shop will still work or whether I can still reach it myself is of course not foreseeable. There are many conceivable scenarios for which it is difficult to prepare. Therefore, I have only listed what I could think of.
According to DHL, parcel shipping without internet should still work. But the amount of packages that I will be able to send without the Internet will be limited. Therefore, only urgently needed orders should be made.
In this respect, I would now do the crisis prevention, because the start of the “simulation game” is already the 09.07.21.
Let us hope that such problems do not arise. Therefore, I hope that precautions have already been taken or taken and that there will be no problems at all.
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