Higher shipping costs – DHL is doing nicely…. 🚚 – #Klimaschwindel

Dear customers,

currently there are price increases again. This time in the shipping area by DHL. Of course, those who have woken up know that this is 1. the loss of value of money and 2. it is homemade to damage the German economy, as has been increasingly observed in the last 2 years.

The letter from DHL began, as is so often the case with companies: “as you may have already learned from the media, the federal government has decided to increase the truck toll in Germany, as well as to levy a CO2 price for road transports as of December 01, 2023”. By the way, that’s a measly €0.12 per parcel so far.
Note: Yes, the media have been doing “politics” here for a long time.

DHL had even “lowered” an “energy surcharge” from 3.75% in January to 1.25%.

It’s bad what they ask you to pay with in order to plunder the country further. And of course, the companies are taking part, as is the case with the plandemic.

Furthermore, there are “price adjustments” due to “significantly increased personnel costs” and “drastically increased prices due to inflation”.

Note: Inflation only means that the money is no longer worth anything. And only faith keeps the euro alive at all, which has long since been declared dead by many.

Oh yes, and there is also a “peak surcharge” around the time of Christmas, because so many packages are shipped there.

And because it is so beautiful, there is also a surcharge for the “Closest Droppoint” doorstep delivery. Such a doorstep delivery in Finland and Sweden costs 4.30 € extra net. Unless you actively order this delivery to such a pick-up point… Yes, in the north they are already testing it…
With DHL, there is no price for a parcel that can be easily determined. You have to search and calculate.
That was different…

Now I found a surcharge on my bill that I can no longer deselect when shipping. At that time, this was still possible… The GO GREEN. “Since 2011, we have been using Go Green to transport all national parcels and parcels of our DHL private customers in a CO2-neutral manner by investing in global climate protection projects and thus contributing to the protection of the environment,” DHL boasts.
For 0.02 € I had believed at the time that I was doing something good. In the meantime, of course, I see this differently.
Since this “service” could not be turned off in this way, I now wrote to DHL:

Dear DHL Team,

I don’t want a GOO GREEN surcharge anymore. All of a sudden, I can no longer vote it out.

I no longer want to support the climate mania and the narrative of Co2.

Please take this option out of my GK section.

I ask for a short confirmation.

Best regards


5 days later I got a call from DHL and the lady said that I wanted to deselect the Go Green surcharge, which would not be possible in the portal. I said that no one would believe this climate nonsense anymore, whereupon she laughed understandingly. It is currently a big issue. Well, at least, I thought to myself. She then confirmed to me that the surcharge would soon no longer be billed.
I hope that many entrepreneurs will use all possibilities to put an end to this madness.
I would like to see an association that delivers our parcels and letters without this harassment and rip-off.
A bit like “Postman”. Unfortunately, I haven’t found a complete solution yet, but I’m open…

Well, at least I don’t pay voluntarily anymore…

No more support for the climate schwidel.

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